Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dear Uncle Bill, Love Julia, Paddy & Bella

Dear Uncle Bill,
As I write to you now I think of the proud moments when I use to receive a letter from you (handwritten and posted – not like the typed letters of today!) when I was living in London back in 2000. I was so chuffed that you took the time to sit down and write to me Uncle, sharing the stories of your brief visit to London when you were young and of your trips around the globe. I still have your letters Uncle and I will cherish them deeply.
When I was little I always remember you coming to visit us in Brockworth Place. Dad would be cooking up some pork bones& fried rice along with my favourite dish, black bean beef with vegetables. You would stay for dinner and have a huge yarn with Dad. I remember hearing Dad’s hearty laughter and chuckle long after I had gone to bed.

I’ve always called you the ‘Godfather’ of the Chun family Uncle. I suppose part of it came from being the eldest Chun brother, but also from the way Dad would look up to you Uncle. If I’m being honest I was always slightly fearful of you Uncle when I was very, very little! But then as I grew up I too came to have such great respect for you, for what you have done for all the Chun family and for becoming such an accomplished businessman with Zenith’s Nurseries. I partly owe my cherished childhood memories to you Uncle for they are full of memories of roaming around Deans Ave after the customers had gone, running under the sprinklers during the summertime to ward off the heat & climbing the huge eucalyptus tree and getting yelled at by Aunty Gaye! Call me sentimental, but I wish we could turn back the clock and be sitting at Deans Ave once again, me, Sharon & Michael sitting on top of a pile of sawdust that had just been dropped off, Dad chatting away to the customers and Uncle Ron sitting in the tea room with a cuppa and an Arrowroot biscuit!
I wish Uncle you could have met our little baby Bella. She is the apple of my eye and an absolute wee darling. Although she is only ¼ Chinese, sometimes when she gets up in the morning she looks full Chinese! Her wee, rose bud lips and red cheeks are just adorable. But it’s the food Uncle, it’s the LOVE of food that really makes her a CHUN!

Uncle Bill you have touched so many of us and made our lives better. I look forward to telling my children the amazing stories that we Chun’s have to share. Thank you for being you Uncle. I am so proud to be part of the Chun family.

Love Julia, Paddy & Bella