Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Phyllis Yee, 1920 - 1999

Phyllis' eulogy
Welcome to Tyler Max Young

Phyllis: born 144 Lambton Quay. The minister's wife, Annie Wong, attended her birth. She was nine when the family went back to China in 1929. She came back to New Zealand 16 August 1937.

Below is a great picture of Pam, Beverley, Richard and Dad (Trevor) taken in Masterton in January 2008. Not often the family are together these days with Dad and Richard in Masterton, Beverley in Wellington and Pam in Auckland.


Pam Joe, Beverley Young, Richard Yee, Trevor Yee

Lee Young in London

While in London, I caught up with Lee for dinner in Chinatown- a nice dinner it was too!

October 2007



Unknown said...

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the video clip of when you met up with Lee for Dinner, he sure is a man of few words
Bev :-)

Danny Yee said...

Nah, Lee and I had a good chat and catch up-it's probably my video (you said heaps, didnt you Lee ;))

After the dinner (thanks Lee!) we went to a cafe around the corner for a coffee (choc, tea?), before Lee caught the bus home (with big cardboard box and all under his arm). I carried on walking around for quite a while longer before walking 'home' to the 'County Hotel' - Near Russell square